Shrikirthi kailash

Meet Shrikirthi Kailash: India’s Miss TGPC Season-12 Finalist

Shrikirthi kailash

Introducing Shrikirthi Kailash, a dynamic 24-year-old from New Delhi, propelled by her passion for data engineering and a thirst for exploration. With an impressive 7-year stint as a national-level tennis player, she acquired invaluable lessons in ambition and heritage. Equipped with a bachelor’s degree in computer science engineering, her fascination with big data blossomed during her academic journey, setting the stage for a fulfilling career in the field. Beyond her professional pursuits, Shrikirthi discovers serenity in exploring diverse cuisines, dancing, chasing sunsets on mountain tops, and delving into the mysteries of astronomy. Lately, she faced the challenges of mental health head-on, navigating them with the assistance of talk therapy and a consistent commitment to engaging in activities she genuinely enjoys. Shrikirthi Kailash’s journey exemplifies her steadfast determination to showcase India’s prowess on the global stage.

Contesting for India’s Miss TGPC Season-12 against 50 other girls from across India and beyond, Shrikirthi is ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and advocacy, all while showcasing the diversity and vibrancy of India.

TGPC: What motivated you to participate in India’s Miss TGPC?

Shrikirthi: Since embarking on my pageant journey, being a part of India’s Miss TGPC has been a longstanding aspiration of mine, one I aimed to not only participate in but also emerge victorious. In Season 10, I was a novice, eager to absorb insights on how best to showcase myself in a pageant setting. Through subsequent pageants and numerous lessons learned, I’ve undergone significant personal growth, emerging as a more self-assured and self-aware individual. This time around, my primary motivation wasn’t solely centered on winning, but rather on reflecting upon the strides I’ve made along this transformative journey.

TGPC: Why do you believe you are deserving of the India’s Miss TGPC title?

Shrikirthi: Since my debut in my first pageant (TTOM), I’ve undergone a transformative journey that has fortified me with resilience, unwavering determination, and a deep sense of empathy. These qualities have not only enabled me to surmount obstacles but have also instilled within me a fervent desire to uplift and inspire those around me. Beyond simply coveting a title, I yearn for the opportunity to enact meaningful change. With steadfast commitment and a compassionate heart, I am poised to serve as a beacon of empowerment, amplifying the voices of the marginalized and fostering positive transformation within our society. India’s Miss TGPC has long been a cherished aspiration of mine, symbolizing the celebration of womanhood and embracing diversity. I aspire not only to partake in this celebration but to lead and disseminate its message of inclusivity and empowerment to all.

TGPC: Looking towards the future, what are your plans, both with and without the crown?

Shrikirthi: While I cherish living in the present moment, my mind inevitably wanders toward the horizon of the future. In this envisioned path, whether adorned with a crown or not, I aspire to embark on a journey of academic advancement, pursuing a master’s degree in Big Data Analytics. Additionally, I yearn to scale more mountain summits, nurturing the adventurous spirit within me, with the lofty goal of one day reaching the iconic Everest Base Camp. Beyond the allure of mountaintops, I harbor a deep longing to explore the diverse corners of our world, immersing myself in different cultures and landscapes. Throughout these endeavors, my overarching ambition remains unwavering: to proudly represent India on the global stage, embodying its rich heritage and boundless potential.

Copy of Shrikirthi Kailash

TGPC: Growing up, what would you say was your biggest challenge?

Shrikirthi: Growing up, one of the most significant hurdles I encountered was nurturing a positive relationship with myself. There were periods in my life where I found myself making questionable decisions or relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms to navigate challenges, causing a disconnect with my inner self. The pivotal moment came when I realized I had distanced myself so much that I no longer heard that familiar inner voice. Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to prioritize self-reflection and introspection, dedicating time to understand my insecurities, vulnerabilities, and the underlying motivations behind my choices. While this journey of self-discovery is intricate and ongoing, I embrace it wholeheartedly, grateful for the opportunity to learn how to cultivate a deeper connection with myself and become more authentically me.

TGPC: Beyond winning, what aspect of India’s Miss TGPC are you most excited about?

Shrikirthi: In addition to the primary objective of winning the pageant, I find myself particularly enthusiastic about the subtitle competitions, particularly the one focused on creating reels. I look forward to immersing myself in the process, exploring new ideas, and pushing the boundaries of my capabilities. These tasks not only provide a platform to demonstrate my talent but also serve as a catalyst for personal growth and development. I am excited to embrace the challenges head-on, knowing that they will push me to discover new strengths and refine my abilities in ways that extend far beyond the competition itself.

TGPC: As an aspiring winner of India’s Miss TGPC, what legacy do you aspire to leave behind?

Shrikirthi: I believe that in today’s world we all look up to people we can relate to. My inspirations resonate with me because I see parts of my own journey reflected in theirs, igniting a sense of courage within me. As an aspiring winner of IMT, I aim to leave a legacy that celebrates the diversity of the human experience. I believe that embracing moments of vulnerability and imperfection should never hold us back from embracing life to its fullest. While I may not be able to inspire everyone in the world, but I wish to be the drop that causes a ripple in this mighty ocean of humans.

Copy of shrikirthi kailash

TGPC: Could you share with us the causes or issues that you are particularly passionate about, and how do you intend to utilize this platform to create an impact?

Shrikirthi: The cause closest to my heart is raising awareness about the importance of understanding good touch and bad touch. Having experienced inappropriate touching myself, I understand the lasting impact it can have. Reflecting on my experiences, I recognize the power of early education on this topic. If I had been informed sooner, perhaps I could have sought support rather than enduring it silently. Through my platform, I strive to partner with NGOs to tackle this issue head-on. My goal is to create a society where seeking help is met with compassion, not reluctance or fear. Together, let’s cultivate an environment of empathy and support.

TGPC: Is there any message you’d like to convey to those reading this?

Shrikirthi: For those reading this, I urge you to prioritize your healing and self-understanding. Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, it’s so crucial to take a pause and reflect and embrace a perspective of love and acceptance towards yourself, allowing space for growth and inner peace. The world can wait; your journey of self-discovery cannot.

If you feel Shrikirthi should win India’s Miss TGPC, you can vote for her and help her win the Miss Popularity title which will give her a direct placement in the Top 20. They can vote on the link: [CLICK HERE].

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