Miss USA 2015 Finals Questions and answers

Review: Miss USA 2015 Finals – Interview rounds

Miss USA 2015 Finals Questions and Answers Round – A Review

Miss USA 2015 Finals questions and answers
Miss USA 2015 Top 5: (Brittany McGowan, Mame Adjei, Anea Garcia, Ylianna Guerra, Olivia Jordan)

Like everything else, this year’s Interview contest was also superb in Miss USA 2015 Finals.

Round 1: Brook Lee asked Oklahoma about an issue that needs to be tackled on national level.  Oklahoma confidently said that the race issue needs to be discussed because it is not solved and that every person should get equal opportunities irrespective of race.  Olivia’s answer was good in terms of confidence as well as content. Michelle Mclean asked Texas should there be a limit on salaries of executes.  Texas said CEOs they work hard for the money and they should be allowed to get what they are working for.  Again, a very good answer.  Tara Conner asked Rhode island whether political correctness is hurting or helping the country.  Rhode island that it’s a balance of both.  She had to ask Tara to repeat the question and couldn’t answer properly.  I knew her journey to crown was over at this point.  Nana Meriwether asked Maryland if opening of US embassy in Cuba was a positive change.  Maryland said that we should not hold grudges and it’s a positive change.  Very good points presented with nice confidence. Crystle Stewart asked Nevada what would you do to improve race relations in US.  Nevada said we need to be more accepting of each other and bring people together.  There was a big pause and obviously Nevada couldn’t answer this one well.  Another girl whose journey got over at this point.  But yes, Nevada did answer this question in next round!

At this point, Oklahoma, Texas & Maryland were the three girls who had given good answers and had a shot at the crown and they impressed the most in first part of Miss USA 2015 Finals Questions and Answers round.

Round 2: Common Question: “In the year 2020, a woman will appear on the $10 dollar bill.  Which american woman would you like to see on the first printing of the bill and why?”  Oklahoma said the name of Harriet Tubman because she would be a beautiful example of where we have been, how far we are coming and how far we still have to go.  Texas said that possibly there can be an American female president and she can be the first one to appear on the bill.  Rhode Island chose Catherine McAuley because she would be a great advocate and inspiration.  Maryland chose Oprah because she has been a great role model. Nevada chose Rosa Parks because if she in on the bill, race relations should be helped.

In the second round, all the girls were pretty much good.  Among Oklahoma, Texas & Maryland, Oklahoma & Maryland gave better answers. Based on Part 2 of Miss USA 2015 Finals Questions and Answers, we would have picked either Oklahoma or Maryland for the win.

Based on the interviews, my rankings would be 1) Oklahoma 2) Maryland 3) Texas 4) Nevada 5) Rhode Island.  Overall, Oklahoma was the best and hence we feel her victory was 100 % deserving.

  • The weakest in Interview which we dramatically like to call “Worst in Interview” would be Rhode Island, who was asked if political correctness was helping the country or not.  For someone who is studying political science, this question should be a cake-walk.  She could have just said that political correctness in most cases is helpful because it ensures greater harmony in the country.  It could have been enough!
  • “Best in Interview” would be Maryland in the first round where she was asked whether opening of US embassy in Cuba was a good thing.  Her answer was very confident and positive.  The delivery was good.  It was quite “on the spot” and was pretty the best answer that can be given to the question.

What are your thoughts about the review?  

Hope you have checked out our complete Miss USA 2015 coverage

Credits: PageantUpdate.info


  1. I totally agree with this article and personally felt Maryland should have been 1st runner-up. However, we all know that the final scores are an average of three rounds and the overall impact a contestant has left on the judges. Rhode Island was a front runner throughout, and must have scored heavily in swimsuit and evening gown. Hence her average might have been higher than the other contestants in Top 5. So just like the final answers tipped the scale in favour of Oklahoma, evening gown and swimsuit did not work in favour of Maryland…..

    • Hello Arka. The final scoring is not an average of 3 rounds .. Judges just rank their favourite from 1 to 5 and the average is taken. Then the winner is decided.

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